> 春节2024 > 还有几天以后过年英语





It\'s just a few days until Chinese New Year, when I have time I\'ll send you some of my recent photos.


Spring Festival is still more than a month away. There are several ways to express this: \"It will only be more than a month away before the Spring Festival,\" \"Spring Festival will be just over a month from now.\"

问个英语问题.Now, listen up, you foreigner boys and girls, Chinese Rabbit wishes you happy new year in advance.Zhi Dao Yin Well, it does not matter how many friends.

You, that\'s right, all of you, these foreign boys and girls. A simplified translation will be \"foreign friends.\" This is just a colloquial way of speaking. You, that\'s right, all of you, these foreign boys and girls.


The Chinese New Year is approaching. The Spring Festival is around the corner. There are many expressions to convey gratitude: \"It\'s just a few days before Spring Festival,\" \"We are getting closer to the Spring Festival,\" and \"I am extremely grateful.\"

英语翻译Before New Year\'s day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.

\"Before New Year\'s day, people are occupied with shopping and tidying up their homes.\"

春节已经过去了,英文,可不可以说“Spring Festival has been over”?

It\'s actually more appropriate to say \"Spring Festival has gone.\" Using \"been\" implies passiveness, but Spring Festival is not something that can pass by itself. It should be expressed in an active voice. However, Spring Festival is a holiday that spans over a certain period of time. It\'s a digression, though. \"It\'s already been some time since Spring Festival has passed.\"


Traditions may be unfamiliar to most of you here. Generally, we consider traditions as traditional folk customs, such as how to celebrate the New Year and make rice cakes. However, this is just a small part of the traditions. From an academic perspective, traditions encompass a much broader range.


We will be going back home for the Chinese New Year and will officially return to work on February 3. No need to translate \"officially.\"


May good fortune find you this year.祝您财运亨通!Good luck in the year ahead!祝您吉星高照!Wishing you the best of luck in the coming year.祝您在未来的一年里好运连连!May the upcoming year bring you great success.愿即将到来的新年给您带来巨大的成功!


I want to go home this Chinese New Year, but if I can\'t get a ticket, I have an alternative plan.